Nelson Mandela Primary School

Nelson Mandela Primary School

Putting your child at the heart of learning

Late Collection

Drop Off and Pick-Up Arrangements 

Drop Off (Soft Start)

08:30am School gates are opened and children go straight to classes. Registration is 8.55am except in Nursery where it is 8.35am in the morning session or 12.05pm for the afternoon session. 



3:20pm Reception Classes to Year 6 except afternoon Nursery where it is 3.30pm.

The gate will be opened at 3.20pm. If you need to collect your child before 3.20pm you will need to go the Office and seek the permission of the Headteacher. 


Permissions for others to collect your child: Parents must let the class teacher/office know in writing, if they wish their child to be collected by any other adult on a regular basis.  Please be aware, we only allow children to be collected by their siblings if they are in Year 7 and above. Written permission will be required.  From a safeguarding point of view, we cannot let your child leave the premises without your permission. 


Year 6 permission to walk home alone: Permission from Parents must be received in writing for a Year 6 child to walk home on their own. 


Late collection: For safeguarding reasons we record all times when children are not collected promptly at 3.20pm. At 3.30pm children are taken to the School Office to be picked up. The office will call all contacts on your child's file to find someone to collect them. The office is staffed til 4pm at which point any children still in school will be passed to member of SLT. If contact cannot be made or the child is still not collected by 4.20pm school will consider speaking to Children's Services. 

Persistent lateness of an adult collecting children might indicate that a parent is struggling to meet their child’s needs. We will contact parents or carers outlining our concerns. This could be recorded as a safeguarding concern.
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