Nelson Mandela Primary School

Nelson Mandela Primary School

Putting your child at the heart of learning

UNICEF / Rights Respecting School

We are extremely proud to announce our achievement of  the Gold Rights Respecting Schools Award!

In January, our school was visited by the assessors who spoke with children, teachers and support staff, parents and governors, to find out how our school helps ensure children receive their rights and how they learn about and promote children’s rights around the world. Just before half-term we received a glowing report about their experience and this week our Rights Rangers unwrapped a parcel containing the accompanying banner and certificate!

Although this is the highest level of the award, we do not intend to rest now!
Our next projects include thinking more about refugee children through becoming a ‘school of sanctuary’ and making a link with a primary school in Indonesia to extend our learning about the global goals for sustainable development.

We are very proud to share our Whole School Charter with you!

Our Rights Rangers chose the 7 children’s rights they wanted to be most prominent around our school. Every child in school ‘signed’ a right for their year group with their fingerprint, making a hot air balloon for each of them.These are on display in our school entrance but you can take a look at them here.

Our Playground Charter

Making sure everyone has their rights, and that we respect one other's is really important to our school.

This is our playground charter. Everyone in school has signed a copy and all our dinner supervisors have them to hand to remind them of their role as duty-bearers.

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