At our school, the intent is to provide a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and as stated in the DFE National Curriculum for England:
- promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at our school and of society, and
- prepares pupils at our school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
The aims of our curriculum:
- To fulfil the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, maintaining high expectations of pupils’ attainment through teaching of knowledge and understanding and progression of skills, applied to a breadth of contexts.
- To provide pupils with a secure and positive sense of their own identity and enable them to make sense of their world and their place in it.
- To develop pupils as rights-respecting citizens, teaching them respect for others and to value equality and diversity.
- To expand their childhood experiences giving opportunities for deeper insight into our world and promoting aspiration for their futures.
- To teach children the values, attitudes and skills they need as they grow up; ensuring they are equipped to keep themselves safe; to be mentally and physically healthy; to be life-long learners with ambitious futures.
- To empower our pupils to be active citizens who can participate and make a difference in our school, to their community and our world.
In order to deliver these aims, our curriculum;
- Has a clear and detailed curriculum map which sets out the learning objectives for each subject and ensures appropriate breadth and progression.
- Has subject specific policies giving further detail for each curriculum area.
- Highly values the contribution PSHE makes to a child’s development and future success.
- Develops children’s own positive self-identity whilst teaching respect and understanding of others who are different from them.
- Highly values the Arts and the enrichment this brings; providing ambitious learning opportunities which stretch our pupils.
- Promotes the inclusion of physical activity and mindfulness into daily life and understanding of the benefits this provides.
- Includes progressive units of learning about local heritage to promote a sense of pride and belonging in Birmingham.
- Nurtures curiosity, exploration and discovery; promoting self-efficacy and giving opportunities for children to develop life skills.
- Is underpinned by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- Teaches about democracy, global goals and social enterprise and provides opportunities for pupils to be active global citizens.
- Includes teaching about important and challenging issues; such as the holocaust, radicalisation and extremism and Black Lives Matter.
- Is supported by enrichment opportunities; trips, visitors and resources to extend and enhance learning.
- Is supplemented by assemblies and focus weeks/days and by collaborating with select organisations when these provide additional expertise or opportunity.
- Responds to pupils’ needs, for example for SEN or EAL through appropriate differentiation and/or professional support.
- Is organic and responsive – just as the world changes our curriculum content should not remain static. Though the principles and aims are constant, specific content will change as necessary.
- Is relevant and purposeful to our pupils
- Challenges and sets high expectations of our pupils.
Nelson Mandela School: Curriculum Map Overview