Nelson Mandela Primary School

Nelson Mandela Primary School

Putting your child at the heart of learning

Year 2 Newsletters

From your new teacher



This provides master classes on texts from a range of authors, including videos from the authors and activities linked to a wide range of novels.
Classroom secrets:
This has a great range of activities for a range of subjects, not just Literacy, and if we are putting paper packs together, we can download and print packs from this site.
Literacy shed:
This has great video clips that generate a range of writing activities with support and questions. There are downloadable resource packs with tasks, but they are linked to the videos.
A new image is published everyday as a basis for creative writing, with sentence starters questions and support for improving writing.

Online Lessons

Natural History Museum - Have made nature accessible through their free digital nature diary and Dippy’s naturenaughts!  

Phonics Play - Free access to non-members during the outbreak to improve your little one’s reading!

BBC's Ten Pieces - Encourages 7-14 year-olds to get creative with classical music and offers resources for those who are hearing impaired

Mr Beaumont's Poem 29/06/2020

Mr Beaumont's Poem

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapter 6 

Part 1 - 24/04/2020

Part 3 - 01/05/2020

Part 5 - 01/05/2020

Part 7 - 08/06/2020

Part 2 - 24/04/2020

Part 4 - 01/05/2020

Part 6 - 13/05/2020

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